Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Paranormal Life, A True Haunting, Unedited

I have been working on this new book day and night. It has been harder than I ever thought it would be, as I go back to My Paranormal Life blog and read each post I live these terrible moments all over again.These are some of the worst times in my life, and most of them I would rather forget. Sometimes I wonder if I even want to do this. A lot of people have asked me to put the unedited story out there I said I would, but twice I have stopped.Now, I'm to the point of I just want to get this done.
Thankfully, when I am having a hard time with this, Cari helps me. She is currently being my rock.
I don't know if it's my writing this book , but I seem to be staying sick while I work on it.I don't know if that is coincidence or if it's something trying to stop me from getting this story out.Either way, I am now determined to finish it. I am about a month away from getting it completed. You will only find my book updates here. And anything else paranormal going on with our family.Please continue to send me your prayers and support as I complete the last few chapters of our story. And thank you Cari George for helping me get through this.

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